PURlite Training Program

In this page, you are able to run the PURlite training program which includes different modules with multiple videos inside of each module.

At the end of each video, you will have some questions to answer.

The quiz is accessible by clicking on the link: https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/PURLITELEARNINGQUIZ

Please take care to answer the questions of the video before starting the next one.

PURlite Fundamentals

Fundamentals 1.1 purlite intro


Fundamentals 1.2 large litters

Swine producers generally use large litters to produce more piglets per sow per year
Please answer question 2

Fundamentals 1.3 mortality causes

To understand the issues of swine production we are going to introduce you the mortality causes that can impact the farm efficiency
Please answer question 3

Fundamentals 1.4 thermal stress

Let’s focus in an important cause of weakness piglets: thermal stress
Please answer question 4

Fundamentals 1.5 bacteria and infections

Infections and diseases constitutes one of the main threat for swine and farm efficiency
Please answer question 5

Fundamentals 1.6 pigs’ social life

To finalize this introduction, let’s talk about pig’s social life
Please answer question 6

PURlite: The Product

The product 2.1 intro

After reviewing some fundamentals about swine production, let’s discover the ADM litter conditioner : PURlite

The product 2.2 purlite’s overview

Let’s start with general info about PURlite

The product 2.3 specifications

Discover now the product’s specifications

The product 2.4 water absorption capacity

“Let’s enter now in details of the purlite actions, and start with the water absorption
Please answer question 7”

The product 2.5 ammonia binding effect

“Purlite also has an ammoniac binding effect
Please answer question 8”

The product 2.6 purlite’s antiseptic effect

“In addition, discover the antiseptic effect of purlite
Please answer question 9”

The product 2.7 purlite’s natural composition

“Let’s discuss now about the product composition, another strength of purlite
Please answer question 10”

The product 2.8 purlite’s odor power

Purlite with its particular smell can reduce some stress linked to environment changes

The product 2.9 optimization of sows’ fertility

“Let’s now talk about sows fertility and purlite
Please answer question 11”

Purlite: trials

Trials 3.1 intro

Purlite proofs of efficiency is key to convey your prospects and customers, learn more about the key results of the product

Trials 3.2 portuguese trial

“Discover purlite proofs of efficiency in an european context
Please answer question 12”

Trials 3.3 chinese trial

“Discover purlite proofs of efficiency in an asian context
Please answer question 13”

Training purlite module 4 sales approach

Sales approach 4.1 intro

As now you know more about purlite and its benefits, let’s discuss about selling tools.

Sales approach 4.2 identification

“The identification of prospects and usages are key in sales process
Please answer question 14”

Sales approach 4.3 sale simulation

“In order to have a concrete example, let’s study a sales simulation
Please answer question 15”

Training purlite module 5 multi-species

Multi species 5.1 intro

In this module, you will learn more about the purlite applications in other animal species

Multi species 5.2 ruminants

“Usage of purlite in ruminant
Please answer question 16”

Multi species 5.3 poultry

“Usage of purlite in poultry
Please answer question 17”

Multi species 5.4 rabbits

Usage of purlite in rabbit