Holistic approach to feed conversion ratio in broilers

1 min read

Poultry meat consumption expected increasing in the world next 30 years. Especially people from developing countries prefer eating poultry meat which is cheap besides healthy. Our planet will face some challenges that are increasing population and urbanisation  also sustainability in the future. Consequently demanding to animal protein will increase by increasing population.

Corn and soybean are main raw materials that are used very common in poultry meat industry.Their prices have been increasing. Hence feed conversion ratio that is most important part of the cost of per kilogram of broiler meat  becomes more and more important.

ADM has developed with its experiences in the fields and  its R&D studies, ”FCR offer” in order improve feed conversion ratio via  holistic way. ”FCR offer” focuses biosecurity audits in the farms and daily old chick quality control  and farm management audit beside precise nutrition with ADM premixes and specialties. Used genetics and isolation of farm conditions are taken into account too. Solutions are also  dedicated to target products  such as live weight, carcass and cut ups  of whole carcass of integrators.

Which gut integrity solution is decided to apply  after considering  historical results of farms besides checking gut integrity of current flocks with our technical experts and veterinarians.

As a conclusion, ADM suggests where to invest necessary on  nutrition part with ‘’FCR offer’’ considering  sustainability and animal welfare as well as without using drugs and antibiotics.  ADM R&D trials showed that low protein diet can contribute to sustainability  and another study is alternatives of soybean can be used keeping feed conversiton ratio.  Tailor made solutions of ‘’FCR offer’’ of ADM increase profits of poultry meat integrators.

You can contact us to our technical experts to have more information.


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